Media Advisory: Four Cranes Lift First Steel Beams Construction Mohawk Valley Gateway Overlook Pedestrian Bridge
For Immediate Release: 05/08/2015
Monday, May 11
10:00 a.m.
Bridge Street and Gilliland Avenue
Amsterdam, New York
Canal Corporation Director Brian U. Stratton
Congressman Paul D. Tonko
Mayor of Amsterdam Ann M. Thane
The Mohawk Valley Gateway Overlook was part of 2005's statewide ballot referendum, The Rebuild and Renew New York Transportation Bond Act. The $16.5 million project will help support the city's economy by connecting the south side's neighborhoods and Erie Canalway Trail with Riverlink Park and downtown Amsterdam on the north side. Once complete, the area will be transformed into a unique recreational destination expected to draw both boaters and landside tourists looking to explore historic Amsterdam and enjoy the local amenities.
About the New York State Canal Corporation
The New York State Canal System is comprised of four historic waterways, the Erie, the Champlain, the Oswego and the Cayuga-Seneca Canals. Spanning 524 miles, the waterways link the Hudson River, Lake Champlain, Lake Ontario, the Finger Lakes, Niagara River and Lake Erie with communities rich in history and culture. For more information about the New York State Canal System, vacation opportunities and events call 1-800-4CANAL4 or visit
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Shane Mahar
Office of Media Relations and Communications
(518) 471-5300